What is TDS in Drinking Water & How to Reduce It?

TDS or total dissolved solids is a measure of the amount of soluble substances in water. In other words, it is a way to determine how “dirty” the water is. The higher the TDS level, the higher the concentration of pollutants in the water. TDS can come from a variety of sources, including agriculture, industry, and municipalities.

TDS is not usually considered a health threat in itself, but it can be an indicator of other potential problems. For example, it can be an indication of unhealthy levels of nitrates or pesticides in the water. It can also point to the presence of other contaminants such as heavy metals.

How does TDS in water relate to water quality?

As mentioned above, TDS in water is a measure of the total amount of dissolved solids in the water and includes all types of dissolved minerals and metals as well as organic material. The higher the TDS level, the higher the concentration of dissolved solids in the water.

Pollutants that contribute to high TDS levels can include,

  • Agricultural runoff (fertilisers, pesticides, etc).
  • Mining and industrial discharge.
  • Sewage effluent.
  • Leaky septic tanks or sewage systems.

Low TDS levels usually mean the water is clean and safe to drink, while high TDS levels can indicate the presence of pollutants. TDS is not the only indicator of water quality. Other factors such as pH, colour, and odour can also help determine water purity.

For more information on TDS, refer this TDS water chart where you find a table listing out the acceptable levels of TDS in water.

Why should you care about the level of TDS in your drinking water?

Water quality is important to consider when looking for an outside source of fresh water. If the TDS levels are too high, it may also mean that there are contaminants or excess minerals in the water which can be harmful to humans. Drinking contaminated water with high TDS levels over time could result in health problems.

What are the ways to detect high levels of TDS in drinking water?

The TDS Level Test Strips allow you to determine the level of total dissolved solids in your drinking water. The test strips can be easily used by dipping them directly into a water sample and matching the colour on the strip to a chart provided with each bottle.

Another way you can detect high levels of TDS in your drinking water is by using a TDS meter. This meter electronically measures the TDS levels in water and will provide an accurate reading of the dissolved solids in your water.

Lastly, you can also use a TDS Pen to test water for TDS levels. This pen is great for on-the-go testing and provides a quick and easy way to test your water.

Solutions for reducing high levels of TDS in your drinking water?

If you suspect the TDS levels in your water are too high, contact a local water professional to discuss your options for purification.

You can also collect rainwater and use it as an alternate source of drinking water. Just be sure that you store and treat it correctly before using.

Lastly, install a reverse osmosis water purifier to reduce the level of TDS in your drinking water. This filtration method can remove up to 97% of the dissolved solids out of your water for cleaner, purer results.


As mentioned earlier, water quality is important to consider when looking for an outside source of fresh water. If the TDS levels are too high, it may also mean that there are excess minerals in the water which could be harmful to you.

Drinking contaminated water with high TDS levels over time could result in illnesses. Fortunately, you can use test strips similar to litmus paper to detect high levels of TDS in your drinking water. You can also use a TDS meter or pen to test water for TDS levels.

If you suspect the TDS levels in your water are too high, contact a local water professional for guidance or get the water tested through a water testing lab.
