RO Water Good or Bad – Should You Drink It?

Many people are looking for clean water to drink. For some clean water means filtered water or bottled water, but what if you could have the best of both? Reverse osmosis (RO) is a type of filtration process that separates salt and other excess minerals from water in order to produce high quality drinking water. Read on to learn more about reverse osmosis.

What is RO Water?

Reverse osmosis water is created by passing water through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane acts as a filter and it removes many types of pollutants and contaminants from the water such as lead, arsenic, nitrates, copper, chromium 6 and more. RO filters out 97 percent or more of all contaminants from water and gives you very clean water to drink.

What are the benefits of drinking RO water?

There are many different types of contaminants in water, so people drink RO water for its purity and cleanliness. It has fewer impurities than filtered or bottled water because it is processed with a semipermeable membrane that allows only pure water molecules to pass through.

What are the drawbacks to drinking RO water?

While there is not much to dislike about RO water, it does cost more than some other forms of drinking water. Reverse osmosis systems can be expensive and some can take a lot of time and energy to maintain. They also waste a fair amount of water in the filtration process, so more clean water must be produced than what you use. Be sure to check with your local water supplier for more information on the quality of water you are filtering before using a RO system.

Is there anything else you should know before buying an RO system?

If you live in an area with very poor quality water/hard water, RO may be a good option for you. Water filtration systems do not remove 100 percent of all contaminants from the water though, so if the water is especially polluted and dirty, it may be best to buy filtered water in reusable containers. However, reverse osmosis water is still a good option, especially if the water supply in your house is that of hard water.

You need not install a RO system if the TDS in water is less than 500 ppm. It is safe to drink this water by just boiling it. If you choose to use a water purifier, then a UV or UV+UF purifier is enough which is less expensive than an RO system.

Frequently Asked Questions on RO water

1. How does RO water compare to distilled water?

Distilled water is purified by boiling the water until it turns into steam which is then collected. The steam goes through a condensing device and forms pure, clean water that is free of contaminants. RO water filters out impurities and removes excess minerals from the water, while distilled water is completely stripped of minerals. Distilled water is not ideal for drinking, but RO water is safe to drink.

2. How does RO compare to filtered water?

Filtered water can be created in several different ways, but it typically involves some type of cartridge filter that traps impurities and contaminants. Filters vary in how effective they are at removing contaminants, but most filters only remove 85 percent of all impurities. RO water removes up to 97 percent of all impurities and also leaves the healthy minerals in the water for your drinking pleasure.

3. Should you drink RO water?

Most people should feel comfortable drinking RO water, but it is a personal decision. Some concerns have been raised about chemicals from pipes or the filtration system leaching into the water. If you are concerned about this, be sure to do your research and look into reputable brands of RO system before you buy one for your home.

4. When is RO water not a good choice?

If your water is very clean, you may not need an RO system. Conversely, if your city uses lead pipes for the municipal water supply or if it contains other completely unpalatable impurities, an RO system might be necessary to make the water drinkable. Reverse osmosis systems are also more costly than other types of filters and may not be a feasible option if you cannot afford it.


Reverse osmosis systems provide an excellent way to get cleaner water directly from your tap for a reasonable price. Speak with your local water supplier or do some research online to discover more details about the lead, arsenic and other contaminants in the water before buying an RO system.
