Can You Drink Zero TDS Water?

It is a common question to ask, can you drink zero TDS water? The answer is that you can, but you shouldn’t drink it all the time. Drinking distilled water occasionally is fine, but make sure to also drink water with some minerals in it to keep your body healthy.

Why you shouldn’t drink zero TDS water all the time?

You shouldn’t drink distilled water all the time because it has little, if any, of the minerals that are necessary to keep your body healthy. Your body needs these minerals to digest food properly, get rid of waste and maintain several other processes. Without them you could get sick or become more susceptible to illness.

However, distilled water can be a good choice occasionally. If you are on a special diet, for example, or if you are trying to cleanse your body, drinking distilled water can be helpful. Just make sure to also drink plenty of water with minerals in it so that your body gets the nutrients it needs.

What are the potential problems of drinking distilled water?

Following is a list of some of the potential problems that drinking distilled water could cause:

Dehydration – The lack of minerals in distilled water can lead to dehydration.

Constipation – Distilled water is often called “pure” water because it doesn’t have any of the minerals that are in ordinary water. These minerals act like stool softeners, which helps keep the stools soft and easy to pass. If you drink distilled water instead of regular water, your stools may become hard and dry, which can make it more difficult for your body to get rid of them.

These are just some of the potential problems that may arise from drinking distilled water. If you want to try it, make sure you do so occasionally and not as your only form of hydration every day. In addition, be careful to keep your body well-supplied with other kinds of liquids – especially those that have minerals in them.


Drinking zero TDS water occasionally is fine, but should not be done over a prolonged period of time. If you drank low TDS water for a long time, then it is likely that your body would not get the minerals it needs over time causing medical problems.

At the end of the day, it is up to you whether or not you want to drink distilled water. Just be aware of the potential problems that could arise from doing so and make sure to drink plenty of other types of liquids as well. Your body will thank you.
